Two hours later, I was still trying various positions, with my partner by my side and the doula, Lindsay who was great at assisting and adjusting through each contraction with me. At one point, I began having hot and cold flashes, and then I puked up the spaghetti dinner I ate earlier in the evening. By the time midnight struck I was ready to push, my adrenaline had already kicked in, and I was about 10cm and 100% effaced when I ran out of other laboring positions to try to work through the next big contraction. I told my midwife 'I don't know what else to do!' she said, 'lets get into the tub' her apprentice added warm water to the tub and I climbed in.
At that moment, in the middle of a most difficult contraction, I was stepping into the tub. As the contraction ended, I sat down into the birthing tub of warm water, and my body totally released itself. I was able to completely let go of all tensions and relax through the next contraction, I began to push and a little head crowned and came out. On the second push, little shoulders and body emerged. As baby floated to the top of the water in the tub, my midwife grabbed her and placed baby on my chest, immediately, I began nursing baby. Everyone asked me, 'well is it a boy or a girl?' I was so out of it, I didn't bother looking to see the sex. So I looked down to see that the little baby that was growing inside me for 9 months, was in fact a little girl.

1 week later, we named her Tsugi Meila, which means Next Born Child and Wisdom, respectively. Tsugi weighed 8lbs 7oz, and was 20" in length. Now that she's 2 weeks and 5-days old, she's a little over 10lbs and is about 22" in length. She's so peaceful, just as she arrived, and remains to be. I'm so thankful to have another little girl!